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? Polymer rings
? Balls made of stainless steel, glass, polymer or other materials and
? A polymer cage.
Polymer ball bearings can be made from avariety of materials and material combinations. The materials selected depend on theapplication. Polymers have significantly different properties than steel. One of the mostunique properties is that they are corrosionand chemical resistant.
The polymers used to make bearings havea low coefficient of friction and are highlyresistant to wear and fatigue. These selflubricating bearings can run dry and requireno relubrication.
However, the loads and maximum speedsthat a polymer bearing can accommodate aremuch lower than for conventional all-steelbearings.
The high specific strength – (strength toweight ratio) is a valuable property of polymerbearings especially in applications whereweight is an important design consideration.High dimensional stability throughout thelifespan is achieved by the low creep tendencyof the polymers used.
? Corrosion resistant
? Chemical resistant
? Self lubricating (no lubricant required)
? Light weight (80% less than steel)
? Some have high temperature usage
? Low coefficient of friction
? Quiet running
? Good damping properties
? Electrical insulator
? Integrated functions for specialbearings
? Low lifecycle costs
Polymer ball bearings are typically used inapplications where resistance to moisture orchemicals is essential. In these applications,steel can not be used – or only with certainrestrictions – making polymer ball bearingsthe best solution from both a technical and aneconomic perspective.
Polymer ball bearings can run withoutlubrication. Therefore they can also bedeployed where no lubricants can be used,e. g. for hygienic reasons.
The possible areas of use are as varied asthe properties and advantages of polymer ballbearings. The following is a partial list of thoseindustries and applications where polymerball bearings are already in use today:
? Food and beverage
? Medical
? Heating and air conditioning
? Chemical and electro plating
? Film, photographic and pharmaceutical
? Textile
? Electro technology
? Consumer goods
? Office products
? Model and lightweight construction
? Measuring equipment
? Material handling and transportation
? Vacuum applications