短程選擇離子掃描氣相色譜-質(zhì)譜法檢測水中15種半揮發(fā)性有機物 …………………………………………張永濤, 張莉, 張琳 (401) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Determination of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Water Samples with Segment Selected Ion Monitoring Mode …………………………………………ZHANG Yong-tao, ZHANG Li, ZHANG Lin (401)
堿消解-液相色譜-電感耦合等離子體質(zhì)譜法測定 生物樣品中的甲基汞和乙基汞 …………………………………………楊紅霞, 劉崴, 李冰 (405) Determination of Methylmercury and Ethylmercury in Biological Samples by Alkaline Digestion-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plamas Mass Spectrometry …………………………………………YANG Hong-xia, LIU Wei, LI Bing (405)
徐州土壤多環(huán)芳烴的環(huán)境地球化學(xué)遷移特征 ………………………………………葛曉立, 焦杏春, 袁欣, 李奇, 羅松光, 孫瑋琳 (409) Environmental Geochemical Migration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Xuzhou Urban Area …………………GE Xiao li, JIAO Xing-chun,YUAN Xin,LI Qi,LUO Song-guang,SUN Wei-lin (409)
吹掃捕集-氣相色譜/質(zhì)譜法測定土壤中揮發(fā)性有機化合物 …………………………………………賈靜, 饒竹 (413) Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil Samples by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Purge and Trap Pretreatment …………………………………………JIA Jing, RAO Zhu (413)
BJKF-1型便攜式近紅外礦物分析儀在寶玉石鑒定中的應(yīng)用 …………………………………………孫海濤, 呂淑紅 (418) Application of BJKF-1 Portable Near-infrared Mineral Analyzer in Identification of Gemstones and Jades …………………………………………SUN Hai-tao, Lü Shu-hong (418)
XEPOS型偏振能量色散X射線熒光光譜儀分析蒙古鐵礦石 ……耿剛強, 寧國東, 王巧玲, 丁慧, 朱明達,白福全, 董海成, 牛素琴, 王再田 (423) Analysis of Iron Ores from Mongolian by Polarized Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer ……………………GENG Gang-qiang, NING Guo-dong, WANG Qiao-ling, DING Hui, ZHU Ming-da,BAI Fu-quan, DONG Hai-cheng, NIU Su-qin, WANG Zai-tian (423) 微波消解-電感耦合等離子體質(zhì)譜法測定生物樣品中14個微量元素 …………………………………………劉洪青, 孫月婷, 時曉露, 章勇 (427) Determination of 14 Micro-amount of Elements in Biological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry with Microwave Digestion …………………………………LIU Hong-qing, SUN Yue-ting, S